Friday, October 3, 2008


Well I am excited to say that I have been offered a teaching job out here in Las Vegas. It is still in the works, I have to get fingerprinted, get my licence switched over and pay them a lot of money. (which doesn't make sense if they are hiring me right?) Anyways I quit my banking job today so I would have time to complete everything soon. I think they wanted me to give them two weeks notice, but think about it, I was not even employeed by them for even two weeks. Plus I still had a lot of training to do so I felt that I would be more of a waste of money to them if I did stay. I feel bad quitting a job with no notice, but I gotta do what I gotta do right now to pay the bills. I will make a lot more teaching than I ever would have at the bank. Next week the contracting office is supposed to call me since my name has been submitted for hire. Now I play the waiting game again. It is hard to wait, especially alone. Roy is usually at school or some golf related event. Good thing our little Molly is here to keep me sane. So the school I get to teach at is deffinatly not my first choice of school I would choose, but I didn't get to choose so I guess I "get what I get and will try not to throw a fit" It is a Title 1 school, which means it is a low income area. A lot of students are on free or reduced price school lunches and most of them are not from around here if you know what I mean. But I think it will be a good learning experience for me and I guess if I hate it that bad I can transfer schools when they let me. So I am excited, but still nervous.


Matt and Cori said...

Yay! Congrats on getting the job! I'm so happy for you! Let me know if you need help getting your classroom ready or something.

Robertson Family said...

Congratulations!! You will be a great teacher and I agree, it will be a good learning experience for you! Good luck and have fun!

Aubri n Scott said...

YAY!!! I am happy for you! Good luck with everything, not that you need it! You will do GREAT!

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