Saturday, January 29, 2011

Moving Right Along

Well I keep growing. I am sure that is a good thing, but it is starting to get uncomfortable. Especially at night. I love to sleep on my back and my stomach. I can kiss those days goodbye for awhile. I sometimes can't wait for my alarm to go off in the mornings so I can get out of bed. By morning my hips hurt so bad. OH well. Here I am at 23 weeks. Sorry I don't look lovely, it is Saturday and I have been doing chores. We also recieved or baby mattress in the mail this past week. I of course had to get it out already and see if I liked the color I ordered. When you order something lime green you may worry.... I think it turned out great. We ordered it from a company called Secure Beginnings. It is a breathable mattress. If you know me at all you know I am the biggest worry wart. I had a friend lose her baby on New Year's Eve from rolling over in his sleep during a nap. I know this mattress can't stop that kind of thing from happening completly but it sure will help reduce that risk. It is complicated to explain how it works so if you want to know you can visit
Well I have been keeping very busy and time is flying by. It seems like we just found out we were pregnant. Now we are over half way. I have been tutoring after school 2 days a week and usually have a meeting 1 or 2 days as well. I have been studying my brains out for the Reading Praxis test I am taking on Monday. I missed passing it last time by only one point. Wish me luck!!!

I have also started a few little crafts for the baby corner. It is going to turn out cute!

Our cute little dogs finally got a bath, their hair combed, and their teeth brushed. I am now known as the "mean mom" They hate baths and I was the one to give them one. I had some mean glares and boy were they excited to see Roy when he got home from work today!


Audrey Crisp said...

Fun fun... That's cool about that mattress... That scares me now about babies rolling over...

CodyandMelissa said...

My hips hurt so bad too! It does help a little to put a pillow in between your legs. Not to sound negative bit it just keeps getting worse until baby arrives & then you're just getting up all night to feed the baby. Say goodbye to good night sleep until your little one is sleeping through the night :)

Robertson Family said...

I like to sleep with a pillow between my legs too! also under my stomach :) Have fun finding out what helps you sleep better! Once you find the right position, it's not that bad! Cool mattress! To help my babies to not Roll over, I use a thing I bought at Target. It is two triangles hooked together (adjustable for different sizes). It too is breathable, washable, and will keep them on their back until about 3 1/2-4 mo.... depending on how strong your little one is!

Michelle Morgan said...

Three words. Full Body Pillow. It will help with the hips and how uncomfortable you are at night. I wish i would have gotten one. I just used a two small ones figuring that the full body would not do much. Then when i was talking with someone.. i don't remember who... she told me that she did the same thing with her first but then with her others she was all about it. But she suggested to get a more expensive one.

And about the baby dying while they are sleeping. Oh my gosh that gave me nightmares. This Mattress looks awesome.

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