Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I have had a sprained left wrist for the past month...sweet... I have decided that I will play golf only when I have to and try to keep it in a soft cast for the next little while. I hope that makes it better soon. Maybe I can be like Tiger and win a tournament with an injury...

We also have some news about our not so perfect angel, Molly. After two and a half months of her being a "perfect" dog, she has finally pissed me off. It's not the usual pee or poo on the carpet either, she chewed up my freeking drumset for the game RockBand, chewed right through the cord. She doesn't even seem to care that she is in trouble, or maybe its just me being mad.


Aubri n Scott said...

HOLY SHIZ! I am laughing really hard, because you knew the PERFECT couldn't last!

Breeana said...

Hey guys, glad you have a blog so we can keep up with you! Aaron says sorry about your rockband thing but that's what you get for having a dog!!lol...anyway, hope to see you soon, hope youre doing well.

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