Monday, January 26, 2009

Great lesson

For all you teachers out there you will appreciate this moment I had today. I had planned to have the students make the geometrical shapes out of salt dough. They then would write the numbers of faces, edges and vertexes for each. I knew the kids would have fun and that it would be a really engaging lesson. (I had this idea at our professional development about engaging students last Friday) Anyways I thought to myself this morning, "man it would really be cool if I got my second evaluation done during this lesson today" Well, you guessed right. I didn't even say anything to my supervisor I was doing this great lesson and she showed up. She said the lesson was great and the students really did well with it. She even told my class they have an amazing teacher and to give me a round of applause!! So I am pretty sure I nailed my evaluation.


Jocelyn said...

Congrats! Evaluations scare me to death.

Ashley Welling said...

Awesome! I hate evaluations and I have been doing them for 3 years now. It is such a good feeling when you know you did a good job.

Hoping to Adopt said...

Way to Go!!! You are so creative, I wish you were my teacher.

Anonymous said...

wow!! that must feel so great!! Way to go Angie!

Angie said...

NICE! It always makes you feel better when someone tells you how wonderful you are! That is also a great activity, when I start to teach I will pick your brain for ideas!

Aubri n Scott said...

That is awesome Angie! I knew before hand you were a great teacher!

Gina & Nate said...

That's so exciting! Congrats on that! You worked and still work hard! Get yourself some ice cream!

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