Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This week we have parent teacher conferences. After I had scheduled with all the parents times to meet with them I find out that I had to go to a training on Tuesday. I had conferences scheduled to start at 3:20 that day. The training was not supposed to get over until 3:00 and it was almost a forty minute drive back to my school. Luckily I was able to talk to the presenter today and she let us out early so I could get back in time. Since I had to miss school during the day I had to get my first sub. I hated the thought of having someone else being in control of my class and hoping they would do what I wanted them to do. I stayed late at school last night getting sub plans typed up and copies made. I was so proud of myself at how organized I was for making it very simple for the sub. I didn't think anything could go wrong. Well I got back from my training to find out that the sub I had scheduled did not show up. My students got split up between four or five other classrooms with other teachers. Finally around 10:30-11:00 they got sub in my room. I couldn't believe it. I was happy to see that the sub did a good job while he was there and he left me a really nice note. The note started out. "You had the best sub plans I have ever seen." At least that made me feel good. Well I hurried and read the rest of the note from him and found out that my class was well behaved and were probably one of the best well behaved classes during the Awards assembly they attended. Thank goodness for good students. I have a sub that said he would sub for me again in a heartbeat. I then continued with Parent Teacher Conferences until 6:00. They went well and all the parents are happy that their students finally have a teacher.


Ellie said...

Yay! Angie is a good teacher! I can't wait to see you guys soon!

Angie said...

The joys of being a teacher! I am actually subbing today for my sister-in-law. It is easier for me as a sub to keep subbing in the same classrooms. Then I have a better idea of classroom rules and expectations

Breeana said...

Fun times!! hope we see you at Christmas, your candy house turned out cute. I love your header of your blog with your picture in it, how the heck did you do that. I'm blog retarded, your mom did mine that's why my header is so cute but I want our family picture in it. You need to help me, I'm retarded.

Ashley Welling said...

I have had a sub not show up. Needless to say, I never called that person again.

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