I have been involved in a new relationship on the side. It is kind of a love/hate relationship. You see it is with my new ruffler foot I ordered for my sewing machine. I figured with having a little girl it would come in handy. I got it in the mail yesterday and got the machine out today. I put it on and it immediately worked... For about 2 seconds that is. Then it stopped. I couldn't even get my machine to make a simple straight stitch. I took my machine apart and stared at it. (I didn't know what else to do) I knew what it needed to do but I didn't know how to get it back to that point. Roy's friend who is staying with us looked at it and immediately figured out the problem and we fixed it. I put the ruffler foot back on and it got it to work for a few more seconds and then... yeah it broke again. I played this game for about 2 hours and decided to give up for the night. I got bored and played with it again and had quite a bit of success. I started on the dust ruffle for the crib since it was working so good. I cross my fingers that it continues to work better tomorrow as I would like to finish my project before the baby comes. Wish me luck. Here is the fabric that I am using. It kind of ties all the colors in together.

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