It has been a very crazy year. Lets just say I am glad I did not have to change grades this year. It seems each year the amount of stuff I "have" to do besides teach gets more and more. I can't imagine starting from scratch and trying to juggle all the additional "stuff" teachers have to do. I have 28 little 4 and 5 year old kids right now. Some days, Yes I want to pull out my hair. Other days they really do remind me of how lucky I am to be a teacher. As always I have my hands full of a variety of problems, very gifted, ELL, attitudes, behavior, lack of motivation, talkative, wiggly, selective hearing, winy, cry babies, and I even have a few that are VERY RESPECTFUL. Those will be the ones that keep me going. We have just finished up the 3rd week of school and I just hope I will have them ready for 1st grade because it will be here before we know it.
This past week I celebrated my 26th birthday. I woke up before the alarm went off not because I was incredibly excited but because I HATE the sound of that NOISE. As I went to kiss Roy good bye I got in a little trouble because he didn't hear the alarm go off... He WAS going to make me breakfast in bed... Oops! It was probably for the better since he woke up sick. I went to work and was trying to get a few things done when my friend Michelle (she teaches 1st grade right next door to me) walked in with her girls. She had donuts, chocolate milk and present for me. We invited some other teachers who taught in our same pod to come join us for breakfast. I opened the gift she brought me. She had made some blocks that said FAMILY on them. We had went to a craft fair two days before and I saw them and said I liked them but they would be way easy to make instead of paying a ton of money for them.

Later that day Roy showed up at school with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. He brought them into my classroom and had my students sing happy birthday. He also took and filled my car up with gas. AHHH 
When I got home we went out to dinner. We decided to go to CPK since we had a million unknown coupons and decided the chances were pretty good that we would end up with a pretty decent price on dinner. We were right one of them was 50% off!!! Then we came home and just hung out since Roy didn't feel well.
I didn't really get any presents on my birthday since I got them all a week early. Roy doesn't believe in waiting to have something if it is already purchased and you know you will get it anyway.
I got new golf clubs

I also got a new phone

and a new lunch bag.
Like I said I am catching up, not only on my blog but hanging up cute stuff I have had sitting for years. I finally got this up and I wish I had decided to hang it sooner. 
Thank your for staying in touch with us. I am pretty sure we are headed back up to Utah at the beginning of October.
Glad you had a great b-day! That's fun you went to Cpk and got a 50% off thank you card! Most are 10% off so thats lucky... I give my tables lots of them hoping they'll
Get the higher discount as well...
Yay! I am so glad that you had a good birthday! Cpk is sooo yummy good choice! Sorry Roy didn't feel good. So are you coming out for Zachs farewell? (is that what is in the beginning of Oct?) I think that you are going doing a great job with your kindergarten class. They are lucky to have you as their teacher!
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