Well it has been a busy week.
Football season is in full swing so Ellie and Roy are sure to not miss a game.
Trying to figure out a whole new curriculum, with new standards for the district and a new way of having to do lesson plans is pretty much making me go CRAZY. I am slowly getting it figured out, but what a lot of extra work some of it is.
This past week I turned 27. Yep one year older. Still feel young, so that is good I guess. Roy was an amazing husband. I will just make a list of ALL the things he did to keep it exciting for me.
- Breakfast in bed with the Beatles birthday song blasting!
- Flowers at work and he had them sing and guess how old I was. (the kids thought I was only 16)
- Ice Cream cake
- New sheets for our bed (that I wanted) he washed and dryed them and had the whole bed made when I got home from work.
- He aslo got me an excercise ball since I really don't have time to go to the gym to work out after work.
- Then we went to dinner!!! (Thanks Aubri for the Cheese Cake Factory gift card)
I think my husband should win Husband of the year!
We also had Open house at school last night. I think this should be done before school even starts, not 3 weeks after. Oh well. I had an amazing turn out!!! NOT. I had 5 families come out of 19 students. I believe that is 26%.
Well now the week has come to an end. I have been able to clean my house a little and help out with some laundry. It is much harder to rest because Ellie is very active and wants to be doing stuff all the time. Hmmm I wonder where she got that gene from??? Well better get back to my family! Thanks for reading.